Article Archive

Week Eight

Hello Everyone,
Wednesday evening we had 4 board members and one non-board member count the ballots for the BOG elections.  The results were unanimous by the folks counting so we are confident the results are true and correct.

Al Ballesteros 66 votes
Jon Bourgault 45 votes
Bryan Haneiwich 45 votes
Steve Duckman 43 votes

Congratulations to the top 3 members receiving the most votes.  Thanks to Steve Duckman for running a very close race.  The new members of the board will take office at the end of the WCC in San Francisco.

Best regards,

Brad Camac
President LAPL

P.S Don’t Forget this coming Sunday October 26th is our 7-8-9 ball Fundraiser, registration is from noon to 1:00pm and this will take place at the Eagle.  Hope to see everyone there.