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Schedule and Welcome

Dear Members of the LAPL:

It is our pleasure to welcome you to Season 83. We are glad you are back for another season of competition and togetherness with friends. We especially want to welcome our new players and also thank our current and returning sponsors.

We would like to make you aware that it was decided at our members meeting held on January 20, 2015 that our league would expand play to include Monday evenings. We have three teams playing on Monday evenings out of sponsor bars Trunks and Gold Coast. What this change means for our members is that teams will likely have to play one to two nights on Monday evening this season. A team will only play one evening per week during regular season, so if your team is scheduled to play on a Monday evening, your team will not have to play Tuesday of that same week.

Our Board of Governors this season are: Vice President & Fundraising Chair, Jon Bourgault; Treasurer, Cliff Giles, Jr; Secretary& Chair of Recruitment, Saeromi Kim; Statistician, Bryan Haneiwich; Rules & Protest Chair, Schesary Barrios, and Tournament Chair, Jake Fisher.

Once again, we hope you enjoy this season. Please let us know if you have ideas or suggestions you believe would further the goals of the Los Angeles Pool League.

All the best for a great season,

Al Ballesteros
President LAPL

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