Article Archive

Week Eight Summer 2015

Dear Members,

9 ball playoffs are finally here! Great job to all this season and I hope it was fun.

There was a tie for first place that was settled with a coin flip.  Congratulations to Trunks 13 and Oxwood 16 for first place.  Trunks 13 won the coin flip and will be the 1 seed in the playoff bracket.  There is video of the coin flip in case either captain would like to view it.

Congratulations to Mike Harris and Gibbi Tkatch for having the highest winning percentage this season!

Remember 9 ball playoffs are not like 8 ball.  In 9 ball we play a race to 11 (must win by 2).  The brackets are also single elimination.  Please send in the scores to me via text, email or website as soon as you can.

The 8 Ball members meeting is scheduled for August 18th 7:30pm @ Oxwood Inn.  Please forward any motions you would like to propose to the board via email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There is an online registration page on the website that is now up and running.  Please take the time to register your team for the Fall 2015 LAPL 8 Ball Season.

