Article Archive

Week Four

Dear Members,

Please join us at Trunks this Sunday, February 28 for our next fundraiser and mini tournament, Rotation Pool.  Sign
up starts at 12:30 with play beginning at 1:00 p.m. 

If you have a logo idea for WCC 73 in Los Angeles this summer, please send that here to this address.  

We will have a tentative board meeting planned before the fundraiser on March 13 where we will be discussing WCC and logistics in general.  The meeting will be held in Silver Lake near the Eagle from 10 am to 12 noon.  More information to come when we have a venue nailed down.

Shoot well and have fun.

Al Ballesteros

Note from the statistician:

We had a match with a rare double forfeit, the board discussed and determined that both players should be assigned a loss for the match.  That is why one of the scores does not look right in the results section, but the number of games played by each team is correct.
